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A Pagan Gathering for Australia and the world

Monday, November 29, 2010

Linda's Story

"After I read Michel’s story a whole cascade of memories came flooding back. My memory tends to present me with images and feelings, rather than time lines, so I’ll just give you an overview of people and happenings, in no real order"   click here for more


  1. Hey Linda! Great post. I remember that May Pole dance and it was a lot of fun. It has become an important part of Beltane now too. I think back to those early days at Beltane often- the people that came in those early years all seem to have progressed a lot and now we are the old school. I remember when we were all young enough to be new school. LOL.

  2. yes, its a bit of a fright when someone indignantly accuses you of being the "old guard", as if there is a use by date on ideas! However somewhere back in the days of the dinosaurs I can vaguely remember a young and indignant witch getting a bit hasty with her "old guard" for their obviously antiquated ideas. Hmmm. Just as well this is a living tradition, not a fossilised heirachy, despite the accusations of certain folks!
