Heading Message

A Pagan Gathering for Australia and the world

Monday, November 1, 2010

From the organisers of the Gathering :

You've got to love a La Nina year! All our prayers and workings for rain were answered in one hit on the weekend. We all gathered on the beloved mountain, cunningly armed with a large waterproof marquee, and sang, laughed, danced and cavorted for the feast of Beltane. Friday was warm and mild, but down it came on Saturday, as the heavans opened. But, as has happened before, the ritual circle was blessed with a cessation of the rain, for exactly as long as it took for the ritual to be completed. The spiral dance opened proceedings as the God was called to bring us the fire of the sun. We then called the Goddess who entered the circle escorted by her bird messengers. She danced with her sacred spouse and they both disappeared to the north as we passed a loving cup to bind us in love and amity. The participants then adjourned to the marquee where we all shared the lamb roast that had been sizzling all day over a hot fire of eucalyptus wood. Sunday saw much drying out of gear, good humoured comments on the sense of humour of the gods, and a lovely maypole dance . The Moot was called and we all agreed it was a wonderful Gathering, and are looking forward to next year - number thirty! It's going to be a ripper! Thanks so much to everyone who has helped and encouraged us, too numerous to mention, we couldn't have done it without you all. All the best, Blessed Be    The Organisers.

1 comment:

  1. It certainly was a wonderful weekend! I am glad I now have a lovely large red station wagon to sleep in - it was dry and warm in there! That Marquee was fantastic, everyone from all over seemed to gather in it, so much room for people to sit and keep dry. As I find rainy days lovely, (because of our drought) this weekend was perfect!
